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NOK Clinics

Small steps are good too; that's a big help

As the owner of three businesses, Ivo has a busy life. And so healthy living isn't always the first priority. But with assistance from his coach at NOK Clinics, he's making small steps in the right direction.

resultaat icoon


-10 kg

leeftijd icoon


43 Year

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Medication (injector pen)

''The medication is a great help.''

There have been some ups and downs during his treatment, says Ivo (43). He started the treatment using medication in 2021, but his busy career as an entrepreneur makes it hard at times to eat regularly and healthily, let alone find the time to exercise. And yet he's pressing ahead with his treatment: 'The medication is a great help, no doubt about that. And I'm learning from my coach that small steps are good too. That's a big help.'

No stranger to the sugar bowl

Losing weight has been part of Ivo's life for a long time now. 'I was really small and skinny as a kid', he explains. 'My grandparents went to great lengths to fatten me up. So I was no stranger to the sugar bowl while I was growing up and at 13 or so I started to get really big – in height and body mass.' It wasn't long before Ivo had his first dietician's appointment. 'For many years I tried all the diets. But I couldn't stick to them.'

Irregular life

Ivo now leads a busy, irregular life as an entrepreneur in the events sector, which means he's often out and about until late in the evening. 'Long hours and forgetting to eat, then. Or you grab some chips somewhere or a snack from the fuel station.' Once he gets home, he's too tired to do any exercise.

Ice lolly instead of a Mars bar

Unsurprisingly, Ivo and his coach Sjors are primarily focusing on small steps that he can incorporate into his day-to-day life relatively easily. Ivo: 'So if I'm out and about and want to grab a Mars or a Twix with a bottle of cola, for example, Sjors will say: "I understand, but try having an ice lolly. Then you've got something refreshing but it's only 40 kilocalories".'

Motivational chats

It's not just lots of tips that the coach will give during their monthly sessions – they also cover deeper topics too, which they won't shy away from. Ivo: 'I can tell him how I'm feeling, what kind of problems I'm having. We often talk about what's really important in life – your health or your work'. The sessions have been giving Ivo some serious motivation, he says. 'Sjors might as well be my brother. He's a top bloke and really genuine. Another thing he says is "You don't have to make big steps; small ones are good too". That's a big help.'

A new target

Ivo has lost around 10 kilos since his treatment started, but he's put that back on because of the ups and downs. But he's persisting and has set himself a new target: 'I weigh 127 kilos now and I'd like to lose about 20 kilos. A weight of between 100 and 110 kilos would suit me. Which might mean we have to adapt the treatment plan a bit'.

'They give you comprehensive support'

'The treatment is extremely good and I really believe in it', he continues. 'The medication stabilises your blood sugar level and then, with the coaching on top, you can make some serious progress. NOK Clinics' doctor and coach are right behind you every step of the way.' Does Ivo have any tips for people who might be considering getting in touch with NOK Clinics? 'Yes, it's not a miracle cure. You have to put some proper effort in. Fortunately they give you comprehensive support.'