Complaints and privacy
If you have a complaint, it is best to discuss it with the person concerned. Do you not feel comfortable doing so? Please contact the location coordinator of the site in question. You can file your complaint by completing the complaint form (downloadable below) and e-mailing it (e-mail address is on the form). The location coordinator will then contact you and discuss the next steps.
To protect the privacy of our patients, employees and doctors, the management of the Nederlandse Obesitas Kliniek has drawn up a privacy policy based on the General Data Protection Regulation and the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act [Dutch Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg]. You can download this document from the link below.
The Nederlandse Obesitas Kliniek has implemented a safety management system to ensure patient safety. You can download the following forms:
- Complaints form
- NOK complaints procedure
- Medical file request form
NOTE: To read PDF files you need Adobe Reader. You can download it here. You can also use the complaint form for other reports regarding unsafe situations or other suggestions for improvement.
To securely send messages via e-mail, chat and file transfer, the Nederlandse Obesitas Kliniek uses ZorgMail, a solution that ensures that no one other than the sender and the recipient have access to our (e-mail) communication.
Data Protection Officer
The Nederlandse Obesitas Kliniek has appointed an officer who monitors the application and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within our organisation. You can contact this officer via:
Data Protection Officer
PO Box 601
3700 AP Zeist, the Netherlands
+31 30 – 698 60 90