“I’m learning to make choices that I can stick to’”
Expert advice and personal attention
Marloes’s father was sympathetic and explored other options. He suggested NOK Clinics to Marloes and that rekindled her hope. At the intake session she was given the go-ahead for medication. ‘I remember thinking: wow, finally some understanding and a solution. The doctor was thorough when it came to setting my expectations in terms of side effects and results. And I was allocated a personal coach, Raissa, who I instantly clicked with. This clinic’s approach felt professional, warm and competent.’
The injector pen stabilised her appetite and the kilos just fell off, but Marloes did feel a little sick in the first few months. She had nausea and fatigue and was unsure whether these were part of the side effects. ‘I called NOK Clinics and got to speak to a doctor straight away’, she recalls. ‘She devoted plenty of time to me and knew her stuff, drawing on the science to explain how the side effects were happening and that they would subside in due course. I needed that reassurance. It gave me confidence that it would all work out just fine.’
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Marloes felt her self-confidence growing and growing. ‘I noticed that I wasn’t constantly thinking about food any more. It gave me room for a new lifestyle. Having a lighter body is making exercise a fair bit easier for me, so I’m doing more of that. Raissa is teaching me to make healthy choices that I can stick to. And I still get to eat some chips now and then – which was an absolute no-go on previous diets.’
Marloes shed 30 kilos in a year. Which is no mean feat. And it’s not only visible but has done her mental well-being a world of good too. ‘When I look in the mirror now, I see a beautiful woman. A self-confident mother who’s still enjoying life and food. Who keeps going and doesn’t give up. I might have lost the kilos, but I definitely haven’t lost myself.’