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NOK Clinics

I lost the shame too

Being overweight left Jeanne Cabollet feeling uncomfortable for years. Until she made the move and came to NOK Clinics. Together with her coach, she came up with a healthy lifestyle that she'd be able to stick to. She's now lighter both physically and mentally.

resultaat icoon


-38 kg

leeftijd icoon


58 Year

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Medication (tablets)

''Happier due to a healthy lifestyle.''

Getting treatment at NOK Clinics marked a turning point for Jeanne Cabollet (58). She had struggled with her weight for many years before a burnout woke her up to the fact that something really needed to be done. She started a medication-based treatment in July 2022. Now, just one year on, she has lost 38 kilos. But even more importantly: 'I'm happy. I'm no longer shutting myself away from people. Honestly, it has opened up a whole new world for me.'

Decisive action

'I've always been on the large side', starts Jeanne. 'My thyroid problems meant I kept putting on weight. Things went from bad to worse and I suffered a burnout in December 2021. I wondered how I'd managed to hit such a low point. When I realised that a lot of my negative feelings were down to being overweight, it was time for decisive action.'

She tried everything: from appointments with her GP and practice nurse to Combined Lifestyle Intervention (CLI) treatment. But her burnout got in the way of progress. 'I said to my husband: I need help, proper help. That's when I got in touch with NOK Clinics.'

Like climbing Mount Everest

'The intake was perfect', she continues. 'I found it extremely hard to make that first move. It felt like I was about to climb Mount Everest. But once I was in, a switch flipped. I thought it was great to be put under a doctor's supervision. And my lifestyle coach was fantastic, right beside me throughout the whole experience.'

Jeanne threw herself into her treatment process. 'I knew it would do me good. So I was like a sponge, soaking up all the information they gave me. I ordered books full of healthy recipes and together with my coach came up with ways of exercising under my own steam. As I didn't feel comfortable going to the gym, I had a treadmill put in at home and started walking my dogs more.'

Support from coach and at home

The lifestyle coaching made a huge difference for Jeanne. Unsurprisingly, then, she has nothing but praise for her coach Sjors. 'He really listened to me and I could discuss anything with him. But he also gave me plenty of practical tips on healthy eating and exercise. Our sessions were extremely positive – we properly celebrated my successes. I couldn't wait to share the news with him every time I lost another couple of kilos.'

The support that Jeanne got on the home front was a tremendous help too, she adds. 'I live with my husband and my mother lives with us too. We had a chat when I was starting at NOK Clinics. I made clear that I didn't want them eating unhealthy stuff while I was working on losing weight. They understood, and so we completely overhauled our diet. They eat what I eat, and that's great. So the whole family is involved and we're all benefiting from having a healthier lifestyle.'

From 113 kilos to 75

The results speak for themselves: Jeanne lost 38 kilos in less than a year. She went from 113 kilos to 75, a weight that suits her much better. The medication helped and ensured that she didn't feel as hungry. 'I built up the tablets gradually and in the end was taking one a day. And now, in consultation with my coach, I've reduced the medication because I'm now at a decent BMI and am happy.'


Jeanne's weight loss left her feeling happier. 'I used to be ashamed of my body. There were lots of things I didn't dare do and I became so withdrawn that eventually I only left the house to go to work. I've lost that shame now. I'm happier being among people and can do fun things again. Playing with my granddaughters, swimming or heading out on my bike. People around me say "you're exuding happiness", which is how I'm feeling too. I'm delighted.'